Theater Delta offers Performances, Workshops, New Script Development, and Train the Trainer. Please click on the tabs below. We also provide Diversity Trainings, Video Production, and Web-Based Learning. At this time, we are offering in-person, virtual, and hybrid programs featuring live performance and interactions to best fit the needs of your community. We can customize any of our services to meet the specific needs of your community. Please contact us to find out more!

Theater Delta’s multicultural actors and facilitators perform high quality Interactive Theater performances for your community. The following is the typical format of an Interactive Theater performance:


  • Facilitators introduce themselves and the format.
  • Facilitators review ground rules for discussion and warm-up audience.

Scripted Scene

  • Audience watches a scripted scene, a hyper-realistic situation where characters experience a series of conflicts, priming the stage for the audience interaction.

Audience Interaction

  • Audience has the opportunity to interact with the characters on stage (actors remain in role). Different techniques are used so that audience members can question and challenge the characters about what they did in the scene and why — both from their seats or up on stage according to their comfort level.
  • In turn, audience members learn the motivations of the characters and can challenge them around their attitudes and behaviors.


  • Audience members engage in a facilitated conversation where they share their reactions, perspectives, and solutions to the problems in the scene.
  • Facilitators ask questions, highlight key ideas/themes, and share relevant information.


  • Facilitators create closure by reviewing the learning outcomes and encouraging audience members to continue the conversation
  • Audience is educated as to the available community resources around the issues.

Theater Delta’s facilitators lead participants through a series of interactive and performance-based exercises to delve deeply into the issues specific to your community. We will customize our  toolbox to activate and engage participants so that they experience the issues on a human level in a safe, collaborative environment. Workshops often focus on conflict resolution and strategies to improve communication.

Sample Workshop

  • Introduction of facilitator(s), workshop goals, and format
  • Warm ups/Ensemble building exercises
  • Performance Based Exercises (examples)
    • Social mapping/Values assessment
    • Improvisation/Role playing exercises
    • Image theatre exercises
    • Perspective taking/Empathy generation exercises
    • Small group analysis
    • Case studies
    • Others
  • Dialogue/Conversation– focusing on complexities/challenges of issues and solutions/best practices
  • Closing/Wrap up

Theater Delta can research, devise, and perform new pieces that focus on issues unique to your community. All of our scripts and performances are based on extensive research, including literature reviews, key informant interviews, and observation. We do this to ensure that they are highly realistic, nuanced, and compelling so that they generate an abundance of participation, dialogue, and solutions.

Theater Delta’s comprehensive script development process includes:

  • Researching current literature and conducting interviews and focus groups to understand the key issues and current norms/beliefs around the issues
  • Identifying learning outcomes for audience members in conjunction with community leadership
  • Using research and learning outcomes to devise a realistic scenario. Steps include: brainstorming, outlining, role-playing, writing, client feedback, revision, and rehearsal

Are you interested in training your leaders to implement our powerful toolbox of Interactive Theater techniques? We will conduct custom designed Train the Trainer programs to meet the needs and goals of your community. The programs range from 1 day to 2 weeks. In our trainings, the following remain the highest priorities: creation of safe space for exploration, learning, and development; inclusion of all voices in the room; a high quality experience which immediately engages leaders around the issues; facilitating conversations that are based on respect, assuming best intentions, and speaking from one’s own experience.

I learned that Interactive Theater is a heck of a good teaching tool.

University of Alabama Birmingham faculty member

I wish you guys could do this for Congress! We would have a better government. Thank you, Theater Delta, for making me a better person and the world a better place.

Emory University faculty member

Theater Delta did a great job. This should be done on every college campus.

Rush University undergraduate student

Many other discussions/performances are very general, but this performance led to a very nuanced discussion of communication.

University of Alabama Birmingham graduate student

The open conversation allowed for many ideas to be shared and a deeper understanding to develop.

Washington and Jefferson College incoming freshman

The Theater Delta experience made it real; this format is significantly better than lecture.

North Dakota State University faculty member

The facilitator draws in and wraps up each point – he was very effective in addressing key points and leading the discussion.

Duke University faculty member, BioCoRE Program

The acting was amazing. I also loved the instructor. Very engaging.

Rush University undergraduate student

This performance was highly engaging and interesting. Very thought-provoking.

North Dakota State University faculty member

I appreciated the chance to actually interact with the characters and see how they feel and think.

Washington and Jefferson College undergraduate student

Interactive Theater is a very interesting, novel way to teach ethics. These were very relatable issues.

Duke University graduate student, Duke Pratt MEM Program

This performance provided us with opportunities to share ideas in a non-threatening environment.

University of California-Santa Barbara faculty member

After experiencing this performance, I intend to become an advocate rather than sitting in the shadows.

Columbia College-South Carolina undergraduate student

Explore how Theater Delta can affect change in your community.

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